Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Canadian Theatre Review: Articulating Artistic Research 
Edition: Fall 
Year: 2017 
ISSN: 0315-0836 
Call No: J.CAN.2017.fall 
Canadian Theatre Review: Immersive Theatre 
Volume: 173 
Year: 2018 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canadian Theatre Review: Post-Truth 
Volume: 175 
Year: 2018 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canadian Theatre Review: Radical Hospitalities 
Volume: 177 
Year: 2019 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canadian Theatre Review: Applied Theatre 
Volume: 181 
Year: 2020 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canadian Theatre Review: Time's Up 
Edition: 180 
Volume: 180 
Year: 2019 
ISSN: 03150836 
Call No: J.CAN.2019.fall 
Canadian Theatre Review: Home and Away: Canadians Abroad 
Edition: 179 
Volume: 179 
Year: 2019 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canadian Theatre Review: Gaming 
Volume: 178 
Year: 2019 
ISSN: 03150836 
Canajun, eh? A collection of Canadian dialects for the actor 
Year: 1996 
Call No: AV.9 
Crashes, Collisions & Catastrophies Sound effects 
Year: 1995 
Call No: AV.11